Friday 13 September 2019

05: Friday 13th September 2019

Words from the Director
¡Feliz Día de la Independencia a todos!

Independence. It’s an interesting concept isn’t it? “Independent” is, of course, one of our ABC values but then so is teamwork (“Leader and Team Player”). Are the two in conflict? Many people have fought and died honourably in the cause of independence to free a people from the iniquities of tyrannical or imperialist rule. But, by the same token, I don’t think it is going too far to suggest that many people have also died because of independence. At the end of World War I, Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points, his attempt to provide a roadmap for a lasting peace in Europe and the world, was founded upon the principle of self-determination and asserted the right to nationhood and yet, not 20 years later, we had World War II! History seems to teach us that as soon as we create separation, we create the risk of conflict.

The Board and I were working this morning with a facilitator to reflect on, and refine, our vision for the school. In doing so, we discussed what we felt it was that you as parents expected of us. There is no doubt in my mind that one of the things you expect of us is to develop our students, your children, into young people who are ready to go out into the world on their own and not only survive but flourish- if you like, to develop young people ready to be independent. However, we also all agreed that we (and, we believe, you) want them to be able to go out into the world and make a difference in it, to change it for the better. To do that, they cannot isolate themselves from the people, issues and challenges around them but rather must engage with them with energy and empathy.

Self-confidence, self-motivation, character and moral fortitude...yes...if that’s “independence” then, sure; these are qualities and values that I want us to develop in our graduates. However, I also want them to enter into the world beyond school in a spirit of brotherhood and service. In other words, they should be self-reliant but not selfish.

“No man is an island.”
John Donne

Words from the Head of Primary

This week the students in Upper Primary, started their week in a rocking mood with the help of the “Lunch on the Lawn” music event. On Monday at 12:00pm, members from Grades 9, 10 and Grade 11 came into Upper Primary to perform. This was an opportunity for the students not only to demonstrate their musical skills, but also a chance for the children to listen to live music in school. We are sure the children really enjoyed the different performances and really helped to get them pumped up for the week ahead!

Today, Secondary organized a Gastronomic Festival to celebrate El Salvador's Independence Day. Upper Primary and Secondary students were able to purchase Pupusas, Churros, Platano chips, Elote Loco, Chicken Sandwiches and traditional Salvadoran ice cream.

All proceeds will go to the ABC's Scholarship Fund. Thank you to the Secondary students who organised this and for your support.

Seatbelt Safety- Seatbelt safety is a priority for Primary. We are still noticing a lot of children not buckled into a seatbelt. Teachers have also noted that children are being loaded into one car to attend a party and there are NOT ENOUGH seatbelts. This is dangerous and teachers will not allow the driver to take other children unless they have a seatbelt for every person travelling in the car.

A reminder that school is closed for students on Monday to celebrate El Salvador’s Independence. On Tuesday the school is closed for an Inset day, where we focus on improving our Literacy programmes and increasing opportunities for students to speak for frequently in lessons.

The Suitcase by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros

A weary animal arrives in a new place dragging a suitcase behind him. The animals he meets are very curious about its contents. He tells them what is inside but they are sceptical. To say more would give too much away about this important story that demonstrates simply and thoughtfully the necessity of being welcoming to strangers who are missing their home, as it benefits from an element of surprise on first reading. The strength and simplicity of this picture book’s message is enhanced by the use of a limited but carefully chosen palette set against white space.

Dates for your diary
Lower Primary

Monday 16th - Independence Day (School closed)
Tuesday 17th - Staff INSET Day (School closed for students)
Friday 20th - 1st. Padilla assembly - 7:30am - PAC
Saturday 21st - Prospective Parents (PK 2020) Open Morning
Friday 27th - 1st. Carbajal assembly - 7:30am - PAC
Saturday 28th - Kinder Curriculum Morning - 7:30am

Upper Primary

Friday 13th - Last day to pay for 2nd Grade Field Trip
Monday 16th - Independence Day (School closed)
Tuesday 17th - Staff INSET Day (School closed for students)
Wednesday 18th - Grade 2 Field Trip to Parque Nacional El Boquerón
Wednesday 18th - 5th Molina Assembly- 8:15am & 10:55am - PAC
Wednesday 18th - Online Enrollment for Session 2 starts
Thursday 19th - UK Trip 2021 Information Evening (Grade 4 Only) - 6:00pm - PAC
Friday 20th - Peace One Day Celebrations (Somoz Paz)
Sunday 22nd - Last day for online enrollment for Session 2
Wednesday 25th - 3rd Borgo Assembly- 8:15am & 10:55am - PAC

Words from the Head of Secondary

Dear parents and carers,

This week we have continued to prepare for our Independence Day celebrations. This year, our focus has been El Salvador and Sports. Thank you to Mr. Alvin Silva for his interesting assembly! Below some highlights:
From Mr. Silva

“Sport raises people’s spirits, it is an activity that allows us to better ourselves as human beings. In El Salvador, we have great examples of athletes who have become outstanding in their disciplines because of the values they practise daily. They are an example for other generations and have taught us that the desire to improve trumps any excuse, whether it is poverty, physical condition, lack of experience, etc.

This year, the ABC has chosen “SPORTS IN EL SALVADOR” as their theme, in order to reflect on the skills we can find in ourselves when we are determined, disciplined, humble and practise fair play. Salvadorians have demonstrated that they can reach the top when it comes to sports and we hope this month helps us discover the history behind each victory and that it will inspire us to try our best to make El Salvador proud before the rest of the world’s eyes.”

We look forward to Friday’s Civic fest! Please encourage your children to support the fun activities the Student Council Executive team has put together, along with the Grade 12 for everyone’s enjoyment. We will also be selling food and all proceeds will go to “Fairs to Educate.” Thank you for your support!

ISLA CORDONCILLA THANKS MS. HOPKINS for all her support, by inviting her to lay the foundation stone to their new classroom.
From Ms. Helen Hopkins

I was honoured to receive a special invite from the staff at the small primary school on the Isla de Cordoncilla, Costa del Sol to lay the foundation stone of their new classroom.

Last year Grade 7 helped enormously by raising much needed funds to buy personal items, sports equipment and educational resources. More importantly they spent time with the young people on the Island sharing skill sets and breaking down perceived barriers.

Our next project is to furnish the new build and to create and paint murals for the outside walls.

We are always looking for help! This may be the time you can spend with us on the Isla or help with fundraising.
Please be in touch if you want to be involved in some way or look out for us at our next big fundraiser at Bonfire Night.

Electronic Cigarettes, Juules and Vapes

We continue with our campaign and solid message regarding the dangers of vapes, Juules and electronic cigarettes. Last week and this week we have been holding sessions with Eduardo Loyola who helps us inform our children of the dangers of these devices and the growing trend of the use and abuse of these devices among young people. We ask all parents to hold these conversations at home with their children. Please inform yourselves about them and help your children understand that this is a huge risk to their health. We have only just begun to hear about the lung disease and even deaths that young people are suffering due to the use of vapes and juules. Here are two videos you can watch with your children at home.

Video 1  and Video 2

If you have any concerns and would like support dealing with this with your children, please do not hesitate to contact your Head of Year and LSU.

Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th - School closed

A reminder that our students have a long weekend ahead as School is closed on Monday 16th for all the community. Tuesday 17th there is no school for children as all staff will be in an INSET day working around the topic of Literacy and how to best support our language learners for academic and personal success.

I wish all our families a wonderful weekend and of course un 
¡Feliz día de la Independencia Patria!

Kind regards,

Natalia Cáceres Escalón
Head of Secondary School

Dates for your Diary

Monday 16th - Independence Day (National holiday, school closed)
Tuesday 17th - Staff INSET Day (School closed for students)
Friday 20th - Jeans Day to celebrate Peace One Day
Friday 27th - Jeans Day to celebrate end of Civic month


Tuesday 1st - Grade 6 Parent Teacher Meetings and Parent Partnership - PAC, 4pm.
Thursday 17th & Friday 18th - Grade 10 Empowerment trip
Tuesday 22nd - Grade 10 and 12 Parent Teacher Meetings - 4pm, PAC
Monday 25th to Friday 1st November - End of Term holidays

This week the ABC BKB Mini boys team did a great job at its second game of Juegos Estudiantiles

To read more about this week’s ABC Sports events, please visit our Facebook page.

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