Friday 18 October 2019

10: Friday October 18th 2019

From the Director

It’s difficult to know what to say at times like this when we know that so many people around the country have suffered personal loss and damage to their property. Life is not fair. By the nature of our community as a private, fee-paying school the vast majority of us are blessed with very comfortable and relatively safe existences. When things go wrong it seems to always be the most vulnerable in society who suffer most. Scotland’s famous bard, Robert Burns knew this. In his renowned poem, “To a Mouse”, he wrote of his distress at accidentally destroying a mouse’s nest while out ploughing his land one day:-

“The best-laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men

Gang aft agley,

An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,

For promis’d joy!”

However organised and ordered our lives may appear- however focused we may be on our optimistic plans for the future- we are all still at the mercy of nature and the whim of happenstance.

A refined mission statement for our learning community is taking shape, which I will share with you in due course, but for now I can tell you that all of those stakeholders who have had input into it thus far agree that it should begin with the words, “To change the world….” Clearly, if we want to change the world then we must first care about the world and those who share it with us. It is at times like this, when the fragility of our shared human experience is drawn more clearly for us, that perhaps this sense of brotherhood is strongest. Burns wrote of this as well in his poem “A Man’s a Man for a’ That”:-

“Then let us pray that come it may,

As come it will for a' that,

That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth

Shall bear the gree an' a' that.*

For a' that, an' a' that,

It's comin’ yet for a' that,

That Man to Man the world o'er

Shall brothers be for a' that.”

*Will carry the day

I know that, as a community, our common sense of brotherhood with those worst affected by the recent crisis will shine through in our response to it. We have set up provision for you to drop off donations in the Admin car park today and tomorrow and will continue to deliver your many helpful donations to collection centres and relief agencies around the city during the course of the week ahead.

From the Head of Primary

Last Saturday we hosted a morning for parents of Grade 1 students to get a taste of our world class Lower Primary programme. If for some reason you missed the opportunity to join us or if you know a family who may be interested please contact Estefania Chacón.

This Saturday we celebrate the Come and Play Open Morning for prospective families, starting at 9am. I hope you can join us to see first hand what a wonderful Curriculum we have for younger children.

Another amazing Curriculum is our IPC in Upper Primary. At the end of each IPC unit students are asked to reflect on what they have learned and make a judgement on the learning goals. They ask themselves ‘am I just beginning with this?’, ‘Have I started to get the hang of it and therefore I am developing?’ or ‘Am I confident in this skill and judge myself as mastering?’ Mastering does not mean they have got something completely in every last detail, that would be ‘mastered’ but it does mean they are in the process of being nearly there. A student in grade 5 can still be beginning a new skill as a child in Prepa can be mastering a skill they have practiced. The students are still learning the terms, beginning, developing and mastering. It would be lovely if you could have a conversation about this at home.
As you may be aware, we are very keen to promote healthy eating as an important aspect of healthy learning. If we eat the right foods and drink plenty of water, children’s learning abilities improve greatly. If food choices are high in sugar then it can lead to a variety of illnesses in later life as well as damaging teeth. It also stops children focussing on their learning during the day.

Many health conscious families are opting for sugar free diets these days and it is surprising how many manufactured foods have added sugar in them. Please do your own research and find out the level of sugar that is acceptable for children and remember many products that are targeted at children quote the adult daily recommendations on their labels. We found that many of our students had the full daily sugar allowance in one item in their lunch box!!

If you do not prepare your child’s lunchbox please educate the person responsible. We always hope to see fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain carbohydrates for their slow energy release and some protein. This site may help to get you started on your research.

The Story of the Windrush by K.N. Chimbiri

Many people will have become more aware of the Windrush generation who came to Britain from the Caribbean in the late 1940s and 1950s due to the recent uncovering of the appalling way many of them have been treated and their rights denied.

Before the publication of this book there has been very little available for children that explains the history of the beginning of modern Black Britain so concisely, making an important part of history more visible and acknowledging the racism Black people have faced. Kandace Chimbiri’s interesting factual account is illustrated with contemporary photographs, maps and sepia toned pictures. Throughout are interwoven stories of individual people who made the journey from the Caribbean on the ship the Empire Windrush. Most prominent among these is Sam King who served in the RAF during World War 2. He was not allowed to stay in Britain following the war and returned to Jamaica. He came back to Britain on the Windrush, rejoined the RAF, subsequently worked for the postal service and became a significant community leader, co-founding the charity the Windrush Foundation.

Dates for your Diary

Lower Primary

Monday 21st - Send t-shirt for Colour Run activity
Monday 21st - Kinder trip to Tin Marin Museum - 8:00am-12:15m
Thursday 24th: Pre-Kinder trip to Tin Marin Museum -8:00am-12:00m
Friday 25th - Prepa Isley assembly - 7:30am - PAC
Friday 25th - Students can wear their own Colour Run T-shirt for a donation
Monday 28th to Friday 1st November - Half term holidays


Tuesday 5th - 1st grade trip to Playa San Blas to release turtles - 8:00am-2:00pm

Upper Primary

Wednesday 23rd - 4th Quijano Assembly- 8:15am & 10:55am - PAC
Wednesday 23rd - Extracurricular Religion Suspended (due to 3 Way Conferences).
Wednesday 23rd - Desintoxícate, lecture given by Omayma Villanueva, 6:00pm - PAC.
Thursday 24th - Latin Music Night - 6:30pm - PAC
Friday 25th - Colour Run
Friday 25th - Last Day of 3 Way Conferences
Monday 28th - Half Term Break (no school from Mon 28th Oct - Fri 1st Nov)

From the Head of Secondary

Dear parents and carers,

I start this week with a message of solidarity with those less fortunate than us who have been struck by the heavy rains and floods. We will be collecting clothes, blankets and anything else which could help them and we will be taking them to collection centres as they come in.

I would like to thank the Madres Enlace for their effective communication with the community; it was certainly a little chaotic to try to establish the plan for the day as we were trying to make the best decisions for our students. Having said that, once MINED declares the schools closure, we cannot but abide.

Thank you for your support monitoring the work students were set by teachers to cover the loss of learning time over this week. It is very important that this work is covered and that students are able to provide evidence for this, otherwise we may have to schedule a make up time later on in the year for MINED requirements.


We are looking forward to this Saturday 19th of October to two very exciting events!

Our students of the class of 2020 have been inspired by the amazing work which they have seen and been involved in the ABC’s STEAMFEST and have joined forces to take it to a national level and created “CIMAT.” It has been great to see them work hard and collaborate to offer this amazing opportunity to students in El Salvador and all their work will be on display this Saturday 19th Oct from 9.00 am - 5.00 pm. You can read all about it here El

Please support our Bulldogs and come along to Feria Internacional, pabellón 5 this Saturday!

Maker Market 2019
From The LRC Department and the ICT Department

This year we will be running our second annual Maker Market, which will take place at lunchtime on November 8th. This is the first main event on the road to STEAM Fest 2020, our annual whole school STEAM event.
The purpose of Maker Market is to empower students to engage in entrepreneurial experiences which focus on their particular areas of interest, talents and passions. Students are expected to plan, source, develop their products in anticipation of the market, although there is definitely scope for demonstrations and further making at the market event. Funds raised will be destined toward grade-level charities. Students will be required to keep careful accounts and are encouraged to recoup their investment while donating proceeds to important causes.

It is important to remember that this is a student event. Students are expected to be 100% involved in the entire process. While parental input, guidance and support at home is certainly valued, we ask that parental involvement on the day is limited to dropping off any items needed at reception with Sandrita Acosta. Ideally, students should bring all items needed for the event, to school in the morning as they will be solely responsible for setting up and running their stalls. Teachers will be on hand to supervise this work. If your child has forgotten any items at home they can be left with Sandrita Acosta in Reception for the students to pick up when needed.
We understand that as parents you will want to see pictures and videos of the event participation on the day, which we will facilitate through our LRC Facebook Live stream as well as the LRC Flickr album for the event.

In that way, you can enjoy the event from home or the office while empowering your children to explore new horizons and embark on their own independent and collaborative journeys in entrepreneurship.

Thank you as always for your valuable support.
I hope you have a good weekend with your families and hope to see you all at CIMAT tomorrow!

Kind regards,

Natalia Cáceres Escalón
Head of Secondary School

Dates for your diary


Tuesday 22nd - Grade 10 and 12 Parent Teacher Meetings - 4pm, Auditorium
Thursday 24th - Latin Night, all Parents and ABC community are invited - $4 per person or a table of 6 for $20 - 6:30pm, PAC
Friday 25th - Colour Run event
Monday 28th to Friday 1st November - Half term holidays


Monday 4th - Back to school 7.00 am start
Tuesday 5th - Grade 8 Parent Partnership meeting (with children) - 7.00 am PAC
Wednesday 6th - Grade 7 Parent Partnership meeting (with children) - 7.00 am PAC
Wednesday 13th - Grade 11 Parent Partnership meeting (with children) - 7.00 am PAC
Friday 15th - First TELETON jeans day; Guys Fawkes celebration and Christmas Fair and BINGO! - from 5.00 pm onwards.
Monday 18th - Shoe Box campaign starts
Thursday 21st - ABC Musical Production ‘OLIVER’, matinee for students
Friday 22nd - Second TELETON jeans day; ABC Musical Production ‘OLIVER’, 6.00 pm PAC
Saturday 23rd - ABC Musical Production ‘OLIVER’, 6.00 pm PAC
Wednesday 27th - Grade 9 Parent Partnership meeting (with children) - 7.00 am PAC
Thursday 28th and Friday 29th - Grade 10 Empowerment and Camping days trip, Helvética Cerro Verde

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