Friday 27 November 2020

15: Friday November 27th 2020 SEC

From the Secondary SSLT

Why do we encourage STEAM at the ABC?

Here at the ABC, whether we are online or in school, we promote and encourage engagement in STEAM. The LRC team works day in day out to ensure that our students have the opportunity to explore their interests, those which relate to the subjects they are studying to develop meaningful self-driven projects. Having access to these experiences and opportunities sets our students above the rest through developing independent learning skills and fostering their creativity. 

What is STEAM?

"STEAM is an educational approach, focuses on the whole child, through inquiry, problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. STEAM focuses on the learning process and provides students with learning opportunities to investigate, plan, and develop meaningful open-ended projects" (LRC ABC).

STEAM education - building skills or the future

This approach teaches children more than science and mathematical concepts. It focuses on hands-on learning related to real-world problems and helps develop a variety of skill sets in preparation for your child's future. 

These skills include media and technology literacy, productivity, social skills, communication, flexibility and initiative. Other skills attained through STEAM education include problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, decision making, leadership, entrepreneurship, acceptance of failure and more. Regardless of the future career path considered, these skill sets go a long way to preparing your children to be innovative.


STEAM education - the importance of innovation

The ability to think critically is the basis of innovation, and through innovation, our students have the potential to change the world

What STEAM opportunities do we provide for students? 

Activities such as STEAM Fest and CIMAT provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful, relevant project development through the design thinking cyclical approach, with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the focus. Through this work, students learn that their contributions, ideas and inventions are valuable to society and are empowered to take steps in directions of their choosing to help make a difference both locally and globally.

What is CIMAT? (

The CIMAT National Fair is an ABC born project which seeks to recognize and reward students from 9th to 12th grade who present innovative projects in the STEAM disciplines, with the aim that they serve as an inspiration to all young Salvadorans. 

CIMAT was held this year online on 14th November and lead by our very own Sebastian Tona and Andrea Croymeyer who are on the executive team. Well done and thank you for all the hard work both of these students and their teams,have put into organizing this event! 

We would also like to announce that Club Recilectura (organized by Hilda Gómez) won first prize in the area of Arts! They are an extremely motivated, proactive team of students who have continued working diligently online each week of the school year, at their request, despite the present situation. Jubran Lemus is the Leader of Club Recilectura, and he is the one that represented the team during the awards.

Here is the link to their page for more information.

Christmas Basket Campaign. 

Notices from staff: 

The IGCA has organised the Turtle Release 2020 to take place this Saturday 28 November at Playa San Blas, La Libertad. The event can be seen on abcigca Instagram Livestream at 8:30 am. Join us and support this conservation project.

Dates for your diary



Tuesday 1st - AVANZO - G12 off timetable all day

Thursday 3rd - Grade 11/12 Learning Review Day

Monday 7th - Real Spanish Oral IB Exam

Tuesday 8th - Grade 9 Learning Review Day

Friday 18th - Last Day of Term 

Monday 21st - Christmas holidays start

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