Monday 15 March 2021

Friday March 12th 2021

 From the Director

Lovely to see so many of you on Resilience Day. I must admit I was overwhelmed by the level of attendance and by the lovely messages of support from parents and students for the school’s efforts in the past 12 months. To be honest, I found the whole day quite emotional and it reaffirmed for me just how proud and humbled I feel to be a part of this amazing community of ours.

I hope to see as many of you as can make it at our re-opening Zoom meetings on Tuesday (secondary at 17:00 and primary at 18:30); we hope to be able to answer your questions and allay your concerns, although please be aware that information will be coming to you in a fairly steady stream between now and April 14th.

Have a great week!

Stephen Lang


From the Head of Primary

Reopening Plans

Next week we will be sharing our plans and surveying parents to find out how many students wish to return to in-school learning. All students who stay online will have a full curriculum, as well as dedicated time with their class teacher. Please note that students can switch to online learning at any time, however if you choose online learning then your child will not be able to attend in-school until the new school year.

Our hybrid plan will be available on the school website on Monday but is based on our January plan and can be reviewed here. However please note that in response to student intentions we will make some adjustments. Staffing can not be finalised until we know how many students will return, but all students will get time with the class teacher. There will be a parent meeting on Tuesday at 6.30pm. In the meantime please feel free to email me with any comments, questions or suggestions, and although I may not be able to respond to you individually, I will respond to you in the presentation.

Resilience Day

Thank you to everyone who came along to our drive-thru celebration… Teachers loved seeing their students again. You may have seen my video if not here are some words I wanted to share with you.

I want to say congratulations to the primary community for one year of online learning. Today we are celebrating our resilience, celebrating all we have achieved in the last year. A year is a very long time in the life of a primary child… for some of our students it is quarter of their life, they’ve had a birthday, they are one year older, they have moved to a new grade… and have achieved so many incredible things. Some have learnt to read, others learnt to multiply fractions, or learnt to use multi-clause sentences, or learnt to ride a bike, or learnt how to grow beans, learnt how to change the background in google meets!, learnt how to organise their own time and resources. When school closed one year ago, we had no idea of what we were capable of but we came together as a community to create the best education possible in difficult times. 

There are many many quotes about how opportunity and strength comes from facing adversity. At the ABC we are a living example of this. Education will not look the same when we return to school as normal, our teachers have new skills and insights, our students have new qualities and understanding and the partnership between school and parents is stronger and more meaningful than ever before. On our journey we have been forced to take the path untrodden, and the ways in which we have developed will be celebrated and used to advance us when our students face the next stage of their journey. 

We must never again underestimate ourselves, underestimate our children, or our students. Our passion and commitment to education has been proclaimed, students, teachers, parents alike. We did not give up, we faced the unknown and created something new, something magical. Our staff, parents and students are remarkable.  I am so proud to be part of the ABC in 2021. 

Marianne Taylor

Head of Primary




Dates for your Diary



Friday 12th - ABC Resilience Day (afternoon drive-thru event at school)

Tuesday 16th - Coffee with Primary Leadership Team (7:30 am - 8:30 am) CANCELLED

Tuesday March 16th at 18:30 - Primary Reopening Meeting (Meeting ID: 932 4070 2125, Password: 551109)

Friday 26th - National Day of Life, Peace, and Justice

Friday 26th - Virtual “T-shirt Day” 

Monday 29th to Friday 9th April - Easter Holiday 

From the Secondary Leadership Team

International Women’s Day


#ChooseToChallenge​, International Women’s Day 2021.















This year 2021 the World theme for International Women’s Day is

Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world,

This week we celebrated Women’s Day throughout the Secondary morning assemblies with

different activities and Life Skills lessons lead by our students.

Women of the world want and deserve an equal future free from stigma, stereotypes and

violence; a peacefu futurel, with equal rights and opportunities for all. To get us there,

the world needs women at every table where the big decisions are being made.

During this Pandemic women have been at the forefront,working day and night,

trying to help fight the disease, as doctors, nurses, scientists, caregivers, etc. 

That is why this day is to celebrate:

  • Women's achievements

  • Raise awareness about women's equality.



I want to share with you a message from one of our Grade 9 students who prepared a Life

Skills session for International Women’s Day and this is what it means for her:


As a young woman who has developed extraordinary visions and goals, to me, International

Women’s Day signifies a lot more than just congratulating the rest of my female friends and

family. But instead, IWD means to unite with the purpose of celebrating the vast achievements

of all women who change the world on a daily basis, who have and continue to pave the way

for young girls to thrive and learn, who defy the male-established stereotypes and show

who’s truly boss. While I argue that we should recognize the power of us women every

single day, International Women’s day acknowledges that true gender equality does not yet

exist and conveys the message that we women are filling the silence which has trailed our

gender for decades. We are women with powerful voices, hear us roar. Let’s celebrate the

warrior queens we are because “there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish”!

⁃ Fiorella Lima


Grade 9 - Celebration International Women’s Day #Choosetochallenge -

Ms Margarita Valdés - HoY

In honour of Women's History Month and International Women's Day, a few G9 students

and teachers have chosen to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality, celebrate

women's achievements and help build a more inclusive world. Join us in raising awareness

and taking action. #ChooseToChallenge




Keeping the topic of Women, a group of G11 girls lead by Catalina Portillo Suvillaga have engaged in a wonderful project named “Love your mother ABC”.

Here are some words from Catalina Portillo:

Love your mother ABC is a project that emerged from our wish to take a stance against current environmental issues.

We believe that actions speak louder than words, and therefore every day we commit to doing the best we can to help

reduce environmental problems. We conduct monthly activities with our students in which each can choose one activity

to take on that month. It can be growing your own fruits and veggies, reducing your meat consumption to reduce your

carbon footprint, taking tote bags to the supermarket to reduce your single plastic waste. etc. We truly want this to not

only be an effective activity, but accessible as well. Additionally, this project is now international, we have chapters in

Latin America, the US and Europe. Our goal is to truly make a difference not only in our own community, but globally as well.

We also write newspaper articles and our students help us with our social media posts. What's in it for you?

(Aside from contributing to a very good cause) Social hours and CAS experience. If you are ready to take charge and use your own voice for good, send us a DM through Instagram: LoveyourmotherABC,

or you can email us at:

Please take a minute and explore



Kind regards,

Carmen Chávez

Assistant Headteacher - Student Wellbeing


Some Announcements from the LRC


Great mini catalogue which highlights some of our new books that are available through the Books2Go initiative. 

Books to go 

ABC password - Children will have to log in

LRC main link

The Logo/Slogan competition designs are due by Monday 15th, March.




Tuesday 16th - Grade 8 Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday 18th - Grade 10 Parent Teacher Conferences (by appointments from 7.50am to 3.20pm)

Wednesday 24th - English Dept Oral Exams G12

Thursday 25th -Spanish spelling Competition 2021

Friday 26th - Last day of term

Monday 29th to Friday 9th April - Easter holidays




Monday 12th - First day of term back to virtual lessons

Tuesday 13th to Friday 16th - Art Week

Wednesday 14th - Reopening day, Hybrid system


Thursday 15th - World Arts Day


Thursday 22nd - Earth Day 

Monday 26th to Friday 30th - Book Week 

Friday 30th - IB Exams Begins for Grade 12


This week the Physical Education department, along with the Secondary Tribal chiefs organized                Tribal Day, this was a virtual activity where all tribes gathered to play virtual games. 

We are very proud of the students’ engagement and the leadership shown by the Tribal Chiefs who came up with this idea in order to feel the joy of playing       “Intertribal Games”.

Well done, Secondary students, Tribal chiefs and Mr. Moises Carrillo for this amazing work! 

The Bulldogs Pack parents, an organized group of parents who support sports at the ABC, are promoting a Visual Campaign to benefit all of the ABC community. More information to obtain these benefits will be sent by email this coming week.

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