Friday 23 April 2021

ABC Weekly 23.04.21

From the Director

Dear ABC community,

Thank you so much for your support and patience this past week. I know the traffic at pick-up was a bit slow on Monday but everybody was very gracious and since then it has improved dramatically. Likewise, I know it is frustrating when bubbles are returned to working online because someone has to isolate but, again, everybody has been very understanding. I am very hopeful that all the bubbles will be operational on Monday and am greatly looking forward to seeing Grade 11 in school for the first time as well. I must say that, so far, your children have behaved with great common sense and maturity and no little resilience so I also tip my hat to them….very well done!

Our National Director, Ana Cabrera, is once again very busy with vaccination arrangements so that we can all (including maintenance and ancillary staff) have our second dose on schedule around May 6th. That will be another important step in the right direction. 

Please be assured that our Covid Response Team is meeting on a daily basis at 1pm to review new and ongoing confirmed and suspected cases and to respond with advice to families who have travelled out of the country. Our protocols are far too complex to rehearse here but one or two highlights so that you have an insight into how we operate:

  • we strongly advise people who are feeling unwell to visit a doctor promptly

  • we advise that the doctor’s advice regarding any potential testing be followed

  • we keep in very regular contact with families where someone is unwell so that we keep fully up-to-date with how things are progressing

  • we keep a clear record of each case from when the Covid form is first received to the point that we close it and the person returns to school

  • we make collaborative decisions as a team and in consultation with the School Doctor

  • we ask for a doctor’s letter before someone who has been ill returns to school

Remember, if you are in the slightest doubt, do use the Covid Form to get in touch with us; you will get a prompt reply with well-informed and helpful advice on how to proceed. 

As you know, I regularly conference with school Heads from across Latin America and it is very clear that we are fortunate not to be having the kinds of terrible experiences with Covid that they are having in their countries. However, it is also clear that one of the main causes of the problems they are experiencing was complacency so we must all continue to be careful.

Have a lovely weekend!

Stephen Lang


From the Head of Primary


Thank you for all your support with the new hybrid system, it has been a great success. 

Click here to see photos from our first week back.

Please can you help us with the following things when your child attends school:

- Please make sure everyone in the car including the driver is wearing a mask before
they enter, even if they are not planning to exit the car.
- To help speed up entry, please make sure everyone is ready and windows are open for
quick temperature taking
- Please teach your children to open and close the car door safely if it is  appropriate for their
age and development.
- Please send your child with the correct KN95/N95 mask. We do not allow masks with valves.
Please also make sure your child has a spare mask in their lunchbox.
- Please make sure your children use an appropriate car seat or booster seat and that they
are not using the front seat.
- Please make sure you are familiar with our flexible uniform policy, some students are attending in clothes that are not appropriate.
- Please drive slowly on the campus, we are happy that the traffic is not slowing parents
down but we must ensure the safety of our students.
- Please make sure you are familiar with our daily checklist- - If your child is unwell they must stay home for 10 days or provide a doctor's note before

Outside Learning

We know that learning outside is always good for children’s mental and physical health.

Now more than ever we are encouraging outside learning. All Lower Primary classes have

been utilizing outdoor spaces dedicated to their own bubble. The second grade classes have

been trialling the use of the sports facilities and field, for teacher directed activities ensuring

social distancing. Please make sure all children PK to 2nd Grade have a cap in school.

Library Service

Please note that our library service is still available. Please order books online and they will

be delivered to your child’s classroom or if your child is online then they can be collected

from the administration entrance.

Link to our Catalogue

Contact Ms Susie for support

Rainy Day Drop-off and Pick-Up Plan

Please see this map for our rainy day procedures. Please note you will be sent an email

letting you know that we are using the rainy day procedures when we judge that the rain

is too strong to use the field.

Teaching Assistants

Over the past year I have noticed some confusion over the role of a teaching assistant. Our teaching assistants are highly qualified and experienced educators. Most have worked as teachers at some point in their careers, or have the capacity to move into a teaching role. At the ABC the difference between a teacher and a teaching assistant is the level of responsibility they have in school with regards to planning, assessment and communication with parents. 

I want to share with you the profiles of some of our teaching assistants to communicate the high standards we have here at the ABC. I would love to share with you the profiles of all our assistants but here I have just selected a few. We are very blessed to have our teaching assistant team, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their dedication and passion, especially during this challenging year.

Eva Candel

“I have a degree in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Education, graduating Cum Laude from the José Simeón Cañas Central American University. I have worked six years as an assistant and three as a tenured teacher in other bilingual schools. I developed my passion for teaching by playing and observing many children grow through the years. Witnessing their development and growth is incredibly rewarding. I decided to work at ABC because of its high prestige and quality of teaching, it is very close to my teaching philosophy, which places children as the protagonists of their own learning. The area of education that I am most passionate about is mathematics. Mathematics is a universal language, it helps us understand the world and create critical thinking.”

Luis Mena

“I majored as a B.A. English Teaching Option, Cum Laude, from The University of El Salvador. I worked as an English teacher and Coordination Assistant in a language school, two universities and since 2015 I have worked at the ABC as a Learning Assistant for 3rd and 5th Grade. Working in education is a rewarding experience not monetarily but great in life experiences. One meets wonderful people and broadens their experiences of cultural diversity. Working at the ABC is a privilege for me. It is a great community which aims to impact positively and prepare students to be able to make the world a better place to live in. I really enjoy teaching humanities, these subjects open our minds in many ways. I also like IPC and lately I have really loved teaching PSHE, it allows the class to discuss and interact about a wide range of essential topics.”

Ema Hernández

“I am a Lawyer and Notary graduated from UCA, with a Master's Degree in Educational Administration from the Pedagogical University, with a Diploma in teacher training from the Salvadoran Cultural Center certified as bilingual in the English language. In education, I have worked for one year as a tenured teacher in a public institution in collaboration with the EDUCO program and 6 years as an assistant at ABC. Since I was little I dreamed of training professionally in my two careers, education being the one that managed to develop my passion and vocation most strongly, being able to be part of the learning journey of children is really an experience like no other. The ABC is one of the most prestigious schools in the country with a methodology where the protagonist of learning is the student themself and the teacher plays the role of guide, this is what I looked for in an educational institution and I found it in the ABC. I am passionate about everything related to children's learning, I enjoy being part of the process that is developed with each area of ​​their education, but literacy is undoubtedly one of my favorites.”

Dates for your Diary




Monday 26th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan starts

Wednesday 28th - “Superhero T-shirt Day”



Monday 3rd - Week ‘X’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 3rd - Día de la Cruz

Wednesday 5th - “Superhero T-shirt Day”

Friday 7th - Soldier Day

Monday 10th - Mother’s Day (school closed)

Tuesday 11th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 17th - Week ‘X’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 24th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 31st - Week ‘X’ Hybrid Plan



Monday 7th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 14th - All students online

Tuesday 15th - All students online

Wednesday 16th - All students online

Wednesday 16th - Last day of school

Thursday 17th - Father’s Day

Tuesday 22nd - Teacher’s Day

From the Secondary Leadership Team: Mr Burdett

Hybrid learning begins!

This has been a very exciting week for us in the Secondary School - finally, after more than a year online, we have welcomed students back on to the school campus for lessons with their teachers. The feedback so far has been positive, with students able to focus more easily on their learning and having more opportunities to chat and laugh with their classmates. I have been incredibly impressed with the way in which our students have followed the Covid 19 protocols - thank you to all of them! What better demonstration of being a Responsible Outstanding Citizen could there be?

Covid Protocols in action

Although it’s been a week with lots and lots of ‘ups’ there have also been some ‘downs’. As some of you will know, we have had to put our plans for a suspected Covid case into action, much earlier than hoped. While this is unfortunate and has been extremely disappointing for all staff, students and parents affected, it has also shown that our protocols are strong and work as they are meant to. Rest assured that we are acting with the appropriate level of caution, but since no students were in contact with any staff prior to us closing the bubbles, there is no risk to students or their families. Please can I remind all members of our community that if you are in any doubt that you or your child may have Covid, or have been in direct contact with a suspected Covid case, you should immediately complete the Covid-19 Concern Form on our hybrid portals, accessed through - we will get back to you quickly and confidentially. 

Cameras are now compulsory in lessons

As we said before the Easter break, it’s now compulsory for students to switch on their cameras during lessons. Please can parents ensure all students have a camera (remember they can log in to Google Meet on their phones, too) and if there is a reason why the student cannot turn on their camera, please email the Head of Year directly to explain so we can update our records.

The ABC remains a hub of activity

In addition to the start of hybrid, a large number of events continue. The Secondary School Term 3 Extra-Curricular booklet has been published and I would like to pass my thanks to the staff who are running these. Ms Garcia’s team has been busy too, preparing an Earth Day website to coincide with this week’s Earth Day celebrations. And I encourage everyone to take a look at the DVA website, with voting for your favourite digital video content closing on Sunday 25th April. Both these websites are only available with an ABC login so please do look at them with your children over the weekend.

I wish you a safe and happy week ahead.

Mr Burdett

Dates for your diary



Monday 26th - First day of Hybrid Cohort Y - G6 7 8 9 & 11

Monday 26th to Friday 30th - Book Week

Wednesday 28th - Superhero T-shirt Day


Monday 3rd - Cohort X - for Grades 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid; School Mock Court Project (commences)

Monday 10th - Mothers Day (National holiday-school closed)

Tuesday 11th - Cohort Y - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid

Thursday 13th - Secondary DVA-PAC: Theme Earth a Tribute

Monday 17th - Cohort X - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid

Monday 24th - Cohort Y - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid and G9/11 Exams  

Monday 31st - Cohort X - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid



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