Friday 22 March 2019

27: Friday 22nd March 2019

Words from the Head of Primary

Next week Edda (Grade 1 Leader) and I will be attending the LAHC (Latin American Heads Conference) in Mexico City. We have a full week of visiting schools, listening to various speakers and networking with teachers and leaders throughout Central and South America. I will be representing the ABC at the LAHC Annual meeting and Edda will be presenting a workshop on Play and the enhanced provision in KS1.

My focus will be finding out more about Personalised Learning (Differentiation), Learning Environments and Assessment for Learning. Edda is focused on IPC Learning and Environment; Assessment for Learning in KS1 and Learning Environments. It will be interesting to meet with other educators from Central and South America to discuss their successes and challenges.

Swimming Lessons in LP
Lower Primary will be having their Swimming Lessons from Monday 25th March through to Friday 5th April. All parents are invited to come and share the lessons and see their child’s progress. Please check you email for further information, dates and times.

Prekinder, Kinder and Prepa will be swimming in the LP swimming pool. 1st grade will go to the pool located in Secondary. Please use the Emergency Carpark.

3Way Conferences
The 3Way Conferences in Upper Primary will start on Monday 25th March. To make an appointment, you need to fill in the form you received by email or get in contact with your child’s teacher. It is important you attend these meeting because they give you the opportunity to be informed of your child’s progress in class. 

Prepa Curriculum Mornings
Prepa parents are invited to a Curriculum Morning next week. The activities will be from 7.25-8.35am. You can arrive earlier and your child can share their learning environment with you. Once the activities begin there will be a selection of phonics, maths and Spanish activities, which you and your child will participate in. Learning activities will finish at 8.10 to allow you a 20 minute session with the class teacher to ask any questions and reflect upon the morning.

Please check the carefully the timetable you received by email to see which day of the week your child will be participating in the curriculum morning. 

On Friday 15th of March, 2nd grade had their Chocolate exit point. We had many parents participating and having fun with their children. 

Rain Forest
On Tuesday 19th of March, 2nd grade had the Entry Point of their new IPC unit ‘SAVING THE WORLD’S RAINFORESTS’. Rainforests once covered 14% of our world’s surface. Now they cover less than 5%. Every second, an area of the rainforest the size of a football field is being destroyed. Some scientists believe that, if we lose our rainforests, we might put our whole planet at risk. What will we do to help save the rainforest?

The decorations organized by the Madres Enlace are amazing and children had the opportunity to wear a home made costume of a rainforest animal.

Copa Giro
The ABC is very proud of the Girls’ Soccer Team who this Saturday won the Copa Giro. They put in their best effort, worked as a team and proved, once again, that effort leads to success. Well done girls.

Down Syndrome Day
This week we supported Down Syndrome Day, which is taking place around the world. To raise awareness of the Paraiso Down Foundation, students from the ABC Secondary section have sold t-shirts to raise money which children wore. March 21st is officially known as World Down Syndrome Day.

Dates for your diary

Lower Primary
Saturday 23rd - Sports Day
Monday 25th - Prepa Kennedy (Kangaroo) Swimming lesson - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Monday 25th - Kinder Rampone (Mayas & Aztecs)Swimming lesson-9:00-9:45am-LP pool
Monday 25th - PK Cáceres (Mayas & Aztecs) Swimming lesson-11:15-12:00m-LP pool
Tuesday 26th - Prepa Chadwick (Watermelons) Swimming lesson-7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Tuesday 26th - Kinder Suárez (Mayas & Incas) Swimming lesson-9:45-10:30am - LP pool
Tuesday 26th - PK Siri (Pipils & Aztecs) Swimming lesson - 11:15-12:00m - LP pool
Wednesday 27th - Prepa Ware (Circles) Swimming lesson - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Wednesday 27th - PK Francés (Mayas & Pipils) Swimming lesson-10:30-11:15am-LP pool
Thursday 28th - Prepa Pashley (Lakes) Swimming lesson - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Thursday 28th - PK Carbajal (Incas & Aztecs) Swimming lesson-10:30-11:15am- LP pool
Thursday 28th - 1st Quintanilla Swimming Gala - 12:20-1:05pm - Big pool
Friday 29th - Kinder Bonet (Pipils & Incas) Swimming lesson - 9:00-9:45am - LP pool
Friday 29th - Kinder Rampone (Incas & Pipils) Swimming lesson -10:30-11:15am-LP pool
Friday 29th - Paraíso Down Jeans Day
Monday 1st - Prepa Kennedy (Koala) Swimming lesson - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Monday 1st - PK Frances (Aztecs & Incas) Swimming lesson -10:30-11:15am- LP pool
Monday 1st - 1st Henríquez Swimming Gala - 12:20-1:05pm - Big pool
Tuesday 2nd - Prepa Chadwick (Pineapples) Swimming lesson - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Tuesday 2nd - PK Carbajal (Mayas & Pipils) Swimming lesson - 10:30-11:15am - LP pool
Tuesday 2nd - 1st. McNeil Swimming Gala - 12:20-1:05pm - Big pool
Wednesday 3rd - Prepa Ware (Squares) Swimming lesson - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Wednesday 3rd - Kinder González (Aztecs & Mayas) Swimming lesson-9:45-10:30am - LP pool
Wednesday 3rd - PK Cáceres (Incas & Pipils) Swimming lesson - 11:15-12:00m - LP pool
Thursday 4th - Prepa Pashley (Volcanoes) Swimming lessonn - 7:25-8:10am - LP pool
Thursday 4th - Kinder Bonet (Aztecs & Maya) Swimming lesson - 9:45-10:30am -LP pool
Thursday 4th - PK Siri (Mayas & Incas) Swimming lesson - 11:15-12:00m - LP pool
Friday 5th - PK Cáceres assembly - 7:40am - PAC
Friday 5th - Kinder Suárez (Pipils & Aztecs) Swimming lesson - 9:45-10:30am - LP pool
Friday 5th - Kinder González (Incas & Pipils) Swimming lesson - 11:15-12:00m LP Pool
Saturday 6th - Retiro Comité Católico - 7:00am - 12:00pm - ABC
Saturday 6th - Extras enrollment starts - 9am
Tuesday 9th - 1st Padilla Swimming Gala - 10:55 - 11:40am - Big pool.
Friday 12th - 4th session extracurricular activities ends
Friday 12th - PK Francés assembly - 7:40am - PAC
Sunday 14th - Extras enrollment finish
Monday 15th - Friday 26th - Easter and half term holidays
Monday 29th - 5th session extracurricular activities begin

Upper Primary
Monday 25th - 3 Way Conferences start (until Friday 12th April)
Wednesday 27th - 4th Williams Assembly - 8:15am & 12:20pm - PAC
Wednesday 27th - Grade 2 Field Trip to CENTA - 7:30 - 12:30pm
Thursday 28th - Last day to pay Retiro Comité Católico
Friday 29th - Paraíso Down Jeans Day
Wednesday 3rd - 2nd Walls Assembly - 8:15am & 12:20pm - PAC
Friday 5th - Grade 3 Camping - Residencial Tuscania (until Fri 6th) 
Saturday 6th - Retiro Comité Católico - 7:00am - 12:00pm - ABC
Wednesday 10th - 5th Hernandez Assembly - 8:15am & 12:20pm - PAC
Friday 12th - 3 Way Conferences end
Friday 12th - Last day of Term 2
Monday 15th - Holy Week Holiday
Monday 29th - Back to School/ Term 3 starts

Words from the Head of Secondary

Dear parents and Carers,

CAL 2 reports- Grade 9 and Grade 11 published on iSAMS parent portal

University Fair
The Academia Britanica Cuscatleca, Colegio La Floresta y Lamatepec have joined efforts in order to participate as host country of the Central American College Tour. This is the biggest tour to come through El Salvador and includes almost 100 entities and universities from various countries. 

Parents are welcome to join us on Wednesday March 27th from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. It will be held in the Auditorium of Academia Britanica. 

Parking is limited so we strongly suggest attendees to carpool, if possible. 

Please keep in mind that opportunities arise from where you least expect them and this fair is not limited to one particular country, so it is an event that would prove of great benefit given the diversity of the universities attending. Below you will find the invitation and the list of universities that have confirmed so far. The main objective of this fair is to encourage students to start thinking about their options during the summer months, as we all know the earlier they start the process the more successful the outcome will be. 

I look forward to hearing from you and welcome you to our school and fair. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We will be sending updates and reminders in the following days.

À l'ABC, nous célébrons la francophonie!
A great big MERCI to our staff and students in the French department for putting on a fantastic day of celebration around the world Francophone day! We started off the day with a whole secondary school assembly and enjoyed our students singing, dancing and speaking in French. Madame Escobar also delighted us with a speech regarding francophone influence in our national history. At lunchtime we were able to enjoy delicious french dishes while Shaka and Dres performed for our students. C'était une merveilleuse journée!

I invite you to read Madame Escobar’s speech here

You can see more photographs on this link

Message from the Spanish Department
From Ms María Haydee
As part of the promotion of the contest: “Virtual Poets 2019”, the Spanish department has dedicated the activity in memory of Diego Mina, a student who always participated very enthusiastically. And just like last term, we paid a visit to 5° grade in the Primary school. This very short visit helped to strengthen communication bonds between the Primary and Secondary school Spanish departments, and to promote and share with our future students, the joy of being able to express their lyrical skills, and enthusiasm in the school activities. We thank our fellow teachers, Beatriz García and Mayra Cáceres for all their support.

IB Art Exhibition- a huge success!
From Ms Chávez
La Clase de 2019 del IB de Arte clausuraron los dos años del programa con un cocktail donde presentaron una exhibición llena de creatividad y excelente calidad. El PAC se transformó por una noche en un ambiente donde se exhibieron más de 150 obras de arte, desde pinturas hasta instalaciones de todo tamaño. Los conceptos plasmados son personales de cada alumno, y una forma de expresar su forma de ver el mundo. Me siento sumamente orgullosa de la clase y de cada uno de los 14 alumnos de la clase del 2019. En dos años lograron crecer como personas y descubrieron sus propios talentos y sentimientos que llevan dentro.

Quiero compartir con Uds. parte de mi discurso: "Ojalá hubiésemos compartido unos años más, pero por ahora, les deseo lo mejor en la vida. Cierro con una reflexión particular acerca de este evento, en lo personal me encanta que sirva de muestra de uno de los valores centrales de la ABC. “ Risk taker” - el tomar riesgos sanos en la vida nos saca de nuestra zona de comfort y es aquí el único lugar adonde el crecimiento personal realmente sucede. No es en hacer las cosas que sabemos bien hacer, o repetir lo mismo cada día, sino que cuando nos arriesgamos a soñar, a volar alto, a imaginar, explorar e INTENTAR, allí es adonde sucede lo mágico. Alumnos, profesores, padres y amigos: les presento la exposición mágica de la clase de arte del 2019! "

Mobile phones- heads up on future ban on mobile devices in school
Finally, we have continued our consultation over a trial of “no phones seen” in Secondary school. This means that students will not be allowed to be on their mobile devices during break or lunch nor in the carpark. All staff have been consulted and we believe there is no detriment to the curriculum and learning experiences but on the contrary, it will allow students to be less distracted. In the playground and around campus it will also allow students to connect with each other and not with people over screens. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

Kind regards,

Natalia Cáceres Escalón

Dates for your diary
Tuesday 26th - Grade 10 IB Options Evening - 6 pm - PAC-Auditorium-Lecture Theatre
Thursday 28th and Friday 29th - Multicultural Festival performance - 6.00 pm - Teatro Presidente 
Tuesday 2nd - Parent Partnership Evening - Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing (all Secondary School Grades)
Thursday 4th - Grade 6 Parent Teacher Meeting - 4:30 pm - 7.00 pm Auditorium
Sunday 7th to Sunday 21st - French trip to Paris, France
Friday 12th - Last Day of Term Two
Monday 15th to Friday 26th - Easter and half term holidays
Monday 29th - First Day of Term Three - IGCSE exams start for Grade 10 students
Monday 29th to Thursday 13th June - IGCSE exams for Grade 10 students
Monday 29th- Friday 3rd May- last week of lessons for Grade 12

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