Friday 3 May 2019

31: Friday 3rd May 2019

Words from the Director

It was lovely to see so many happy faces as children returned to school on Monday. I have to admit to having very mixed emotions about this term as I realise it will be my last term here at the ABC. However I recognise the importance of this term at so many levels. It is vital that our children end the year well, learning more as well as reflecting in the year overall. Research clearly shows the importance of reflection in order to consolidate the learning process. It also shows that children need to continue thinking about and practicing newly learned skills during the long vacation ahead. Please do plan your vacation with time for your children to practice and reflect on the year which is coming to an end. Teachers are happy to help with advice and ideas for doing so.

Following the very successful CIS visit earlier this year we are now establishing our new three year strategic plan. The new Director, Mr. Stephen Lang is already actively involved in this process. During this month we are consulting with staff, parents and student council teams to get their input and ideas for priorities in our new strategic plan. To this end I would like to invite parents to workshop forums on Thursday 9 May at 7 am or Tuesday 14 May at 6.30 pm where we will present the themes and goals and ask for feedback from parents. This will include all aspects of the strategic plan including infrastructure priorities. All parents are welcome to attend but if you intend doing so please try to confirm your attendance on this link to Anabella Soto. We are holding separate forums at separate times to try to make them more accessible for more parents.

I would like to clarify that next Friday the 10 May is Mother’s Day and a national holiday. School will therefore be closed. On Monday the 13 May school is closed for students. All the details are on our school calendar.

Congratulations to our Swim team for an amazing meeting over the last two days. It has been great to see so many participants and so much success. I am also pleased to report that all our football teams have been successful and are heading for qualification to the next round of the competition.

I hope you all have a great weekend with your children.

Words from the Head of Primary

Welcome back after a two week break. Our students returned to our wonderful Book Week. I hope your child/children have been talking to you about the books they are reading and the books being read to them. Parents are encouraged to read to their child/children every day. Have your children read to you. Ask questions about the book! Show that you love books to.

We still have seven weeks of school, which means the continuation of learning programmes. We are also looking towards the new school year (2019/20) with a whole raft of decisions to be made. All our decisions will be focussed on ensuring your child/children receive the best education with a dedicated staff and a positive learning environment. Our Core Values will drive our commitment to quality learning where Effort Leads to Success

Through our three year Strategic Plan we will be working hard, alongside our Secondary colleagues, to improve and develop our learning programmes as well as provide a safe, active and challenging school environment. Critical to success is a strong partnership between ABC and its’ community.

Student Drop-Offs- One of the concerns outlined in the recent parent survey has been the issue of the traffic! I can understand the frustration of traffic congestion. When children are being dropped off, most parents/children are organised with their bags, etc and the drop off takes less than one minute. However a number of drop offs take a lot longer because the bags are in the boot, or parents are giving money/instructions or children are just too slow. This can cause delays because there is not a smooth flow!

To help parents ensure a faster and safer drop off, we recommend the following:
  • Bags are on children’s laps or beside them on the seat
  • Give money/instructions before leaving the house or if you have stopped at the traffic lights
  • Remind the children as you come through the school gate to be prepared to be dropped off
  • Parents drive up behind the front car a the drop off point
  • Car doors are only opened when the car has completely stopped
  • If for any reason there is an issue which will cause delays to other parents, please drive around again
Sala Cuna and Cafeteria- If you are contacting the Cafeteria to have food delivered to your child in Sala Cuna please make sure that ‘Sala Cuna’ is indicated in the subject of the email or at the start of the phone call to ensure the order is prioritised and is delivered to the correct location.

Book of the Week
A Kid in My Class by Rachel Rooney. Illustrated by Chris Riddell

Open this book and meet your new class. Look at the wonderful Chris Riddell’s drawings and then read Rachel Rooney’s poems and get to know them. Maybe you’ll find a child you already know or find someone who reflects the child in yourself. 

A variety of poetic forms abound. There are list poems and conversation poems to describe the characteristics of kids in this class, such as ‘Copycat’ in which that annoying kid repeats everything you say in exactly the same tone! Each poem is accompanied by a pen drawing of the kid being described with a larger illustration in dreamy shades of blue that suggest a fantasy world. 

Dates for your diary

Lower Primary
Monday 6th = 1st McNeil - trip to Pizza Hut
Tuesday 7th = 1st Quintanilla - trip to Pizza Hut
Wednesday 8th = 1st Henríquez - trip to Pizza Hut
Thursday 9th = 1st Padilla - trip to Pizza Hut

Words from the Head of Secondary

Dear parents and carers,

I hope you have all enjoyed a very pleasant break with your children and family. We started our final term on Monday and it is 8 weeks long. They are filled with important learning opportunities, activities, exam period (G9 and G11) and of course the International examinations (G10 and G12.) as well as Work Experience for Grade 9 and all the Awards assemblies at the end of the year! 

Please we ask that you do not book family holidays, doctors appointments and other events which take our students away from school in this final term.

Respectfully we also ask for your help and support regarding the respect to our school uniform and attendance and punctuality regulations. Every day our students should arrive at school with plenty of time to go to their lockers and prepare for the day ahead and be ready in their tutor rooms for the 7.00 am bell. 

Please do not drop off students in the lay way opposite the nurse station as this is a dangerous area for students to cross the road with cars coming in both ways. 

Please refer to our uniform expectations published on our webpage (as well as outlined in the parent agreement signed upon enrollment each year) 

Uniform and Jewellery: (En) (Es)

Please take this weekend to verify your children's uniforms and their correct fit. They have all grown since August so girls' skirts and length of boys' trousers may need alterations. This is also true of the PE short- it must not be fashion fit, but appropriate for school. Shoes must also be appropriate for school, this means properly fitting (not folded at the back) black and leather. In particular, we expect all boys to be cleanly shaved every day. If you son has a particular medical need regarding shaving, please we ask for your support to see they shave at home so this does not become a problem. Girls are expected to wear only stud earrings and not more than one per ear, as well as refrain from wearing make up and nail varnish.

Finally, I take this opportunity to remind you of the ban on mobile phones we have this term. We do not want to see mobile phones on the campus, including the car park. Please arrange pick up time with your children before dropping them off to school and should you need to contact your child, please call the school office and we will gladly send them the message. 

I take this opportunity to wish our Class of 2019 and Class of 2021 every success in their International Examinations, which have started this week. Today was the last school day of our Grade 12 students! We look forward to their Senior Exit on Tuesday 28th of May, once their IB exams are over. 

Grade 10 and Grade 12 students are welcome on campus to do private study or use the LRC and our resources as much as they like however please note that students must wear correct day uniform (not PE kit) at all times if on campus. 

Also please note that students may not leave between examinations. They must remain on campus until the end of their final exam of the day.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to a very successful final term! 

Dates for your diary
Monday 6th to Friday 10th - G12 IB exams and G10 IGCSE exams continue
Friday 10th - Mother’s day (ES) School closed except for G10 and G12 in exams
Monday 13th - Staff INSET for Teachers - school closed except for G10 and G12 in exams
Saturday 18th to Saturday 25th - Grade 8 trip to Washington DC 
Monday 20th to Friday 24th - G12 IB exams and G10 IGCSE exams continue
Monday 20th to Friday 31st - Grade 9 and 11 exams
Friday 24th - Final G12 IB exam
Tuesday 28th - Grade 12 Senior exit

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