Friday 7 May 2021

ABC Weekly 07.05.21

 From the Director

Dear ABC community,

On May 7th 197 years ago, Beethoven’s 9th Symphony had its world premiere in Vienna. It was a landmark occasion in classical music, not just because the symphony was to become widely acclaimed as one of the greatest of all time, but also because it was the first symphony by a major composer to incorporate voices, hence it’s alternative title: the “Choral Symphony”. 

I love the piece musically, but I also find the words that Beethoven chose for the final movement inspirational. They are taken from the poem ‘Ode to Joy’ by the great German poet Friedrich Schiller, the first verse of which goes:

Freude, schöner Götterfunken

Tochter aus Elysium,

Wir betreten feuertrunken,

Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

Deine Zauber binden wieder

Was die Mode streng geteilt;

Alle Menschen werden Brüder,

Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,

Daughter from Elysium,

We enter, burning with fervour,

heavenly being, your sanctuary!

Your magic brings together

what custom has sternly divided.

All men shall become brothers,

wherever your gentle wings hover.

This same idea of brotherhood was echoed by my countryman, and a peer of Schiller’s, Robert Burns, in his poem ‘A Man’s a Man for a’ That’ in which he concludes:

“That Man to Man, the world o'er,

Shall brothers be for a' that.”

The philosopher Liebnitz also took up the baton in “On the Pursuit of Happiness”

“Pleasure is a knowledge or feeling of perfection, not only in ourselves, but also in others, for in this way some further perfection is aroused in us.

To love is to find pleasure in the perfection of another....

It is most true, as a result, that one cannot know God without loving one's brother, that one cannot have wisdom without having charity (which is the real touchstone of virtue)”

As we were refining our ABC values (what seems like a lifetime ago!) I pushed quite hard for ‘’Brotherhood” to be included. I was quite rightly rebuffed, as it is a rather outdated, even perhaps sexist, term. However, the idea, the concept, of brotherhood and sisterhood, the notion of humbly recognising and celebrating our shared human condition, certainly is not outdated. In the end, we decided on ‘’Empathy” as one of our 3 core values and other ABC values like “Inclusivity”, Humility” and “Fairness” surely strike at the same idea; we likewise aim to develop the qualities of being “Compassionate” and “Open-minded” in our young people. And if we can remain dedicated to our goal of embedding these values and developing these qualities in our young people, we will certainly be promoting sisterhood and brotherhood and thereby creating, in the words of the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO), “a better and more peaceful world”. 

Stephen Lang


From the Head of Primary

What to do when your child feels unwell?

Primary children are often sick, it is an important part of them growing up and building their immune system. If your child is unwell and unable to attend school or their online sessions then please email the class teacher to let them know. Your child will need a doctor’s letter before they can return to in-person classes. The letter should be sent to the class teacher and the school doctor: If your child has any COVID-19 related or flu like symptoms (see health checklist) then you must complete the COVID-19 Concern Form. We are taking all precautions to keep our community safe. This means that unexplained flu-like illnesses may be treated as suspected COVID-19 until the individual’s personal doctor can confirm otherwise.

Prepa Art Project

Leslie Hernández Martínez 

“I have a major in English Teaching with an Specialisation in Curriculum Design from the Universidad Francisco Gavidia. I worked as an English teacher for a year in an English Academy teaching children, teenagers and adults and since 2018 as a Teaching Assistant at the ABC for 3rd and 4th grade. For me it has been a great honor to be part of the ABC family because it is driven by the highest educational standards and their principal aim is to place children first. Every decision taken is always focused on the children's wellbeing and this is what I personally was looking for in an educational institution since I started my journey as a teacher. I strive to always teach children with the best of myself, based on value to educate responsible, outstanding citizens for the future. What I enjoy the most is to be part of the kids learning process and to teach English Literacy, IPC and PSHE. I love to have the opportunity to create an environment where they can feel involved and can express themselves freely.”

Happy Mother’s Day

Becoming a mother was the happiest moment of my life, and I am very proud to be part of

the ABC community of mothers. Being a mother is a tough job at the best of times, and

over the course of this pandemic it has been even more challenging. I wish all our mothers

a happy, and well-deserved Mother’s Day.

Dates for your Diary




Monday 10th - Mother’s Day (school closed)

Tuesday 11th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 17th - Week ‘X’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 24th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 31st - Week ‘X’ Hybrid Plan



Monday 7th - Week ‘Y’ Hybrid Plan

Monday 14th - All students online

Tuesday 15th - All students online

Wednesday 16th - All students online

Wednesday 16th - Last day of school

Thursday 17th - Father’s Day

Tuesday 22nd - Teacher’s Day

From the Secondary Leadership Team: Mr Kilford

We are now three whole weeks into our Hybrid Programme and will begin the second cycle of Cohort Y next week on Tuesday. The experience so far has been overwhelmingly positive, it has been amazing to see students and staff back on campus again and enjoying being back in school in a safe and secure environment. Thank you to all of you for working with us to make this happen. 

Although all has gone to plan so far, we know we can always improve. We are always reviewing our programme to see how we can improve it further. Just over a week ago we sent a survey to students to collect their opinions about the hybrid programme.

Below are some of the responses…. 

 “I really love seeing my classmates, teachers and the school corridors again. I have small conversations with my classmates and in general everything is more exciting. I do get a little worried about Covid-19, but only like 1% of the time, of course I keep my distance from everyone at all times. But, in general, it has been great to return after one year, crazy!"

“Hybrid is 100 times better than Online as I have more motivation to work in school.”

 “It is well organized and the schedule is clear.”

“I have gotten the chance to make friends in my grade and I understand the subject better when I am face to face with the teacher. I find myself interacting more and understanding better.“

“I really enjoy coming to school. I feel like I get more things done here as I don't get as distracted as I did at home. I enjoy seeing my teachers in person, it's easier to ask for help and to understand since we can see each other. Overall I enjoy socializing and being with my friends even though they are 2 meters away.”

Below are some of the suggestions for improvement…. 

“I wish my whole class to be here, just like before, although it seems impossible right now, hopefully in the future everything gets back to normal.”

“I think it would be nice if we receive PE at school, maybe not running and other activities that leave us breathless but at least like walking around the field, or stretching, yoga, maybe even mini golf, that would be fun. Something that has us on our feet. I would really like for that to happen.”

“Allow PE to take place in school , it is not effective online.”

“I think it is necessary to fix the pick up drop off situation. I understand it is a school and lots of students come in and out everyday, but there is still a lot of traffic.”

In light of the responses we collected, we have two changes to the programme starting next week. We hope these changes will improve the in-school experience for all:

The re-introduction of sports into the school! PE classes within student bubble groups will begin next week for 8th, 9th, and 11th grades, 6th and 7th will begin the following week. Lessons are going to be focused on individual low intensity activities to keep the physical distance.  On the allocated days, students must attend school wearing their PE uniform or sports attire (pants, shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes*). Leggings are not allowed, following school expectations and policies. Please remember to bring plenty of water on PE days.

  • Grade 6 and 8 drop-off points will change from Tuesday 11 May with the aim to reduce traffic in the middle of the day. If your son/daughter is in Grade 6 or 8 please can you now drop them off at the Ramp Entrance (it was previously the Admin car park) between 12pm and 12.15pm.  The map below has also been updated on the hybrid portal. 

Updated Drop-Off Map - Friday 7th May

Have an excellent weekend everyone, we look forward to seeing Cohort Y students next week starting on Tuesday!

Dates for your diary



Monday 10th - Mother’s Day (National holiday-school closed)

Tuesday 11th - Cohort Y - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid

Thursday 13th - Secondary DVA-PAC: Theme Earth a Tribute

Monday 17th - Cohort X - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid

Monday 24th - Cohort Y - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid 

Monday 24th - G9/11 Exams  

Monday 31st - Cohort X - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11 Hybrid


Wednesday 2nd - STEAM Fest - Exposition launch

Thursday 3rd - Class 2021: Acción de Gracias, de forma virtual

Monday 7th - Cohort Y - Grade 6, 7, 8, 9 Hybrid

Monday 7th - School Mock Court Project (ends) 

Thursday 10th - Class of 2021 Graduation

Friday 11th - STEAM Fest - winners announced

Saturday 12th - Class of 2021 Graduation Dinner

Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th - All Secondary grades online

Wednesday 16th - Last Day of School Year 20-21

Thursday 17th - Father's Day (school closed)

Friday 18th - First day of summer holiday (school closed)

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