Friday 19 October 2018

10: Friday 19th October 2018

Words from the Director

The Class of 2019 completed their PAES examinations this week. We have been pleased with their preparation and attitude despite the exams being postponed at the last minute last week. Well done Bulldogs!

Along with much of the country we have had a difficult week with the rains this week. Thank you to our Actua students who have worked hard this week organizing relief materials for those most affected by the rain. It is always a pleasure to see young people showing compassion and care for other people. Three of our Actua students: Amy Villafuette, Maria Jimena Castro and Alicia Velasquez came to talk to me today to ask for more help from our community. Here is their message and please try to respond:

“ABC ACTUA has asked ABC family to help with donations for the people who have lost their belongings due to the heavy rain. These people are in refuges mainly in the eastern part of El Salvador and along the coast. Rain has been continuous and constant, with little relief in the near future. Therefore, we have extended the period for donations.

Thank you, so we have received toilet paper, sugar, corn flour. Rice, beans and many more items. If you can, please there is still an urgent need for these following basic items:

Blankets, towels, shoes, baby clothes, clothes in general,
Rice, beans, corn flour, soups, pampers, toilette paper, milk.
Dry cereal. 

Thank you for your support and empathy during these difficult moments.

Amy, Maria Jimena and Alicia.

I would also like to thank you for all of your patience with the extra traffic issues due to the rain and especially at the end of the day when we have had less sports activity. Our field has been far too wet to use which is also why we have also had to postpone the Primary Friendship Fair and the IGCA turtle release on Saturday. The fair will now take place on Saturday 19 January.

Last Saturday we hosted a morning for parents of 2-3 year olds to get a taste of our world class early years programme. If for some reason you missed the opportunity to join us or if you know a family who may be interested please contact Estefania Chacón who can book you into our next taster morning on Saturday 10 November. 

We have had non uniform days during the last few days because of the possibility of an imminent closure and potentially dangerous weather conditions. We intend returning to full school uniform on Monday! If there is a change in plan we will inform you on Sunday by email. We are all hoping and praying for a dry weekend throughout the country.

We hope you have a great weekend with your children.

ABC Sports

Despite the weather ABC teams have been working and playing this week, our teams have participated the the Bilingual League and Juegos Estudiantiles Tournament.

We are very proud of our Basketball Cadetes Boys team who won it last game at Juegos Estudiantiles and they finished undefeated. Congratulations with these results they became the Champions of La Libertad.

On November the 10th ABC will host the First Table Tennis Tournament, this it is a great opportunity for our students to compete and also for all ABC community that are invited to participate.

Important dates
Saturday Nov. 10th, ABC Table Tennis Tournament
Wednesday Nov. 21st, Secondary sports day at Flor Blanca Stadium

Words from the Head of Primary

When children returned from their four day ’break’ many had taken the time to complete work given to them by their teachers. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. As climate change begins to affect local weather, the rain storms become more unpredictable. Our first priority is the safety and well-being of your child/children. 

A casualty of the wet weather has been the International Friendship Festival. It was a very difficult decision to postpone this very important event for Primary. But the wet weather and wet grounds forced us to postpone it until Saturday, January 19th. I hope the change has not inconvenience too many families. I know the organising committee are committed to making sure everyone who comes to the Festival on January 19th will have a great time!!

It is great seeing so many parents support the 3 way conferences. Having your child explain what they are doing well and what they an improve on is a very powerful way to support your child’s learning and achievement. To support children on their journey of learning there MUST be a positive partnership between the school and the home. This provides the foundations of success. If you were unable to attend and wish to have a 3 way conversation, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher.

Pre-kinder and Kinder have started borrowing books from the Lower Primary Library. Children are allowed to choose the book they would like to take home. We are aware that many children have not chosen appropriate books for their level. It is important to clarify that the objective of this activity is not for the child to read the whole book, but for the children to start having the experience of taking out books from the library, being responsible for their choice, motivating them to read and love books. Remember that children have many ways to enjoy books, (by looking at the pictures, recognising letters etc). Over time they will begin to choose more appropriate books, discover that there are different types of books and develop preferences. If your child brings home a book that is not appropriate (for example a chapter book), please celebrate their choice by asking why they chose it, read some of it aloud to them and discuss what book they might choose next time.

We also have a Lower Primary Library toy that your child may bring home to celebrate their interest in reading. Please return the toy the next day. The Lower Primary Library is now open every morning from 6.50-7.30am and Mondays from 12.30-2.00pm for parents to borrow books. 

Pre-kinder parents are invited to the Curriculum Night this coming Thursday 25th of October 2018 at 6:00pm in the ABC Performing Arts Centre - PAC. During the evening, parents will discover and experience how their child learns by following their own interests stimulated by an active learning environment. 

5th Hernández hands on learning
This week our 5th grade students have been learning to calculate the area and perimeter of different figures, starting with rectangular shapes. What better place to explore than our school?

First Grade Turtle Release
First Grade has planned an academic trip on Friday 9th of November to release turtles and clean up the beach at la Hola Betos Costa del Sol. This field trip will enable our children to develop the international and geography objectives of our IPC unit “The Earth-our home”. At the same time we will be reinforcing the values we have been working on; global, respect and teamplayer. We will be sharing photos after the event.

Who am I - Prepa Exit Point
To provide the children with an opportunity to show their parents their learning, Prepa parents have been invited to come to school and help them make a poster all about themselves. The poster will focus on their family. Please get in contact with your child’s class teacher for more details.

3-Way Conferences
The Upper Primary parent conferences started this week and will finish on October 26th. If you dont have an appointment please contact your class teacher via email. Please note that due to these conferences, all Catholic Club and Caminando con Jesus sessions will be cancelled during these 2 weeks. 

International Fair Raffle
Unfortunately the International Fair had to be postponed due to the weather. Nevertheless, we will have a pre-raffle on Tuesday 23rd Oct at 9.05am which we will be livestreaming.

Colour Run
Primary will participate in the Colour Run organized by the 12 Grade Prefects with the help of NGO Save The Children to support education for children with forced displacement. It is an event that will be a run filled with fun activities, great food and music. The event will take place on Friday 26th October. We thank the children and their parents their support to this run in celebration for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

McLay Fun Run Funds 
This year’s McLay Fun Run was a success and we raised $445.35. The run is organised to raise funds to support developing sports programmes in local schools.

Dates for your diary

Lower Primary
Saturday 20th - International Friendship Fair - (Suspended)
Monday 22nd -Thursday 25th Prepa Exit Point 7:30-9:00 
Friday 26th - Prepa Kennedy assembly - 7:30am - PAC
Friday 26th - Save the Children Colour Run

Upper Primary
Saturday 20th - International Friendship Fair (Suspended)
Wednesday 24th - 4th Molina Assembly- 8:15am & 12:20 pm - PAC
Wednesday 24th -Extracurricular Religion Suspended (due to 3 Way Conferences).
Thursday 25th - Grade 2 Field Trip to El Boquerón
Friday 26th - Last day of 3 Way Conferences
Friday 26th - Save the Children Colour Run

Words from the Head of Secondary

Dear parents and carers, 

I would like to start this weekly by thanking the Staff who have been busy modifying the learning plans in order to provide meaningful work for students not to fall behind. Thank you also to parents for your support. I also want to thank all the community for bringing in food and donations for people in need. The ABC cares!

"But, everybody does it!"
We are increasingly concerned over the widespread use and normalisation of vaping in teenage culture. “But everybody does it” is the rallying cry of teens in their attempt to disarm adults about risky behaviors. You may hear your child say this when you talk with them about vaping. 

I take this opportunity to share some excerpts of a website and e-journal regarding this topic and I encourage parents to visit it and learn more about this trend. 

*FCD Prevention Works website

What Is Vaping?* 
"Vaping" is the use of an electronic cigarette (e-cig) or vaporizer (vape) to deliver nicotine, marijuana, and/or other chemicals to the body. Vapes contain liquid chemicals (e-juice), along with a mechanism to heat those chemicals, all in a small device. They come in many styles, but generally look like high-tech cigarettes. Vapes heat the chemicals to create an aerosol form of those chemicals, that gets delivered into the body and the environment around the user. Vaped chemicals enter the lungs, bloodstream, and brain within seconds. The user may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or experience a rush or high, which may set off cravings for more.

Please note that even if you as parents allow your child to use this, these are against school rules and they will be taken as if they were cigarettes should we find them a student in possession of them or worse yet, using them. Please help up by speaking with your children about this and we do appeal to parents not to allow your child to use them. 

LRC news
Please visit this website to see the exciting work which is taking place on Social Crisis Management in a 21st Century World. Thank you Mrs Garcia!

Grade 10 and Grade 12 Parent Teacher meeting and Information sessions
We look forward to seeing all parents of Grade 10 and Grade 12 on Tuesday 23rd of October. This will take place in the Auditorium and students have been given their appointment sheets so please ask your child at home for them. 

During the evening there will be a short meeting for students and parents in the PAC. The purpose is to inform you about upcoming deadlines, information about the mock and final exams, and to share other important information about the final months of the exam courses.

There will be two meetings for each Grade and both will cover the same information. All students and parents need to attend at least one of these, depending on which is most convenient for you according to the appointments made. We have asked students to bear this in mind when making appointments and ensure that they will be free for one of the two meetings allocated for their Grade.

The meetings will take place in the PAC and the times are:
5.00- 5.30- 10th grade
5.30- 6.00- 12th grade
6.00- 6.30- 10th grade
6.30- 7.00- 12th grade

See you all there!

The Paw Print- student newspaper
2nd edition has now been released, visit and get informed!

Finally, a great big thank you to all those parents and students who have supported the Colour Run by purchasing the kit! I am very much looking forward to our UN week which culminates with this fantastic race!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Kind regards,

Natalia Cáceres Escalón

Dates for your diary
Monday 22nd - UN Week
Tuesday 23rd - Grade 10/12 Parent Teacher Evening - 4.30 pm - Auditorium (Information sessions for Parents and students)
Friday 26th - Save the children Colour Run / Last Day of Term. Leaving time 2.00pm
Monday 29th to Friday 2nd November - Half term holidays
Monday 5th- 7.00 am start- Back to School!

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