Friday 5 October 2018

8: Friday 5th October 2018

Words from the Director

On Wednesday 10th October we are joining the national day of preparation for an emergency such as an earthquake. We will be going through our emergency procedures with children, including how to respond to an earthquake and our evacuation procedures. You can see these procedures on our parent website. We will not be evacuating the campus but we will also be asking our Madres Enlaces to check their communication network which is part of our final evacuation plan.

I have been delighted to talk to a number of children this week about plastic and recycling. Diego in Grade Three came to talk to me about his concern about plastic straws and their effect on their environment. He is working with his family to convince restaurants to stop giving plastic straws to customers. Diego told me that the problem with plastic straws is they end up in our seas and have catastrophic effects on sea animals including turtles. We all know how important El Salvador’s beaches are to turtles and so it is especially important we keep our beaches clean and that we stop plastic getting into the sea. The Upper Primary Student Council have also been talking to the School Management Team and me about acting locally to help impact on this global issue and we are going to work together to help ensure our environment is clean. I want to thank 5th Truscott for their amazing assembly on this theme. We are starting a serious campaign to make our world a better place. Here are our global activists!!

It was good to meet many of you at the Coffee morning with the Chair if the Board Mrs. Portillo and myself earlier this week. A number of issues were raised which may be of interest to a wider audience. I have summarized them. 

Firstly we are aware there have been some problems with credit card payments from Banco Cuscatlan and Proamerica which have led to payments not being processed correctly by the banks and therefore not being received by us. We apologise if we have then taken action to redeem this money when in fact the error was a banking one and not a failure by the parents to pay. I would like to urge all parents to keep up to date with payments to avoid such problems in future but we will also work with the banks to try to help them avoid these problems in future.

We were asked about IGCSE and IB grading comparisons and we have put a very simple comparison on the parent website which we will develop further to try and improve understanding of grades between these programmes. Here is the link. I would also like to remind everyone that we have trained university guidance counsellors who work with our children from Grade 9 and if any parents would like more individual guidance please contact them via one of the school offices at school. They do invite all parents in Grade 11 to individual interviews with their children as part of the guidance process as well as whole grade information meetings. We have many universities visiting school at the moment and fairs coming soon which parents may also attend. All the details are on our calendar.

Parents may leave their children at Sala Cuna if they are working late one day or if for some reason they are delayed. The sala cuna is open until 4 pm. If they are collected within 15 minutes then there is no charge but if they stay beyond 15 minutes there is a charge of $1 per hour. If you know your child is going to be attending, please book Sala Cuna by emailing your class teacher and your child will go straight there rather than wait in the car park. 

We celebrated Children’s Day this week as a day of hope for the future. I hope you enjoyed your celebrations with your children. Please see our Facebook article regarding the importance of Children's Day at the ABC.

In addition, you can read our article on the importance and benefits of the International Primary Curriculum, written by Nick Ware, our Key Stage 1 Coordinator, here.

ABC Sports

It has been a great week of sports with undoubtedly the highlight being the amazing performance of the Under 12 boys basketball team. As champions of La Libertad they participated in the national final. They won their semi final and were narrowly defeated in the final. They are effectively the second best basketball team in the country. If you have ever seen them play you would admire their energy, their skill and the fun they have a sa team. Congratulations to everyone of them. There is a fuller report on the ABC Newsblog. 

Important dates
21st November Secondary sports day at Flor Blanca Stadium

Words from the Head of Primary

Like a lot of people, ABC is very concerned about what is happening to our environment. The main concern is the amount of plastics going into the waterways, lakes and the sea. Scientists predict that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. By 2050 all the children currently at ABC will be adults and probably will have their own family, so this serious issue is going to affect them greatly. 

Our students are very aware of this issue and are very keen to Think Globally and act locally! This means all of us need to act now!! We have students who have strong opinions about the issue and also have some solutions. The Primary School Council met with the Senior Management Team on Tuesday to discuss how we can make sure all at ABC are aware of the problem and to ensure EVERYONE does their bit to reduce plastic pollution.

On Wednesday it was 5th Truscott’s turn to present their assembly. It was called Pollution and Activism Campaign. Children learned about the importance of recycling and saving the planet from pollution. It was an excellent way for 5th Truscott to inform us of this serious issue. In fact we were so impressed with their message, they have been asked to show all of the Secondary students.

3-Way Conferences
The Upper Primary parent conferences will be underway very shortly. You will soon receive an invitation letter to help you book your appointment. These conferences will take place on October 15th - 26th. Please note that due to these conferences, all Catholic Club and Caminando con Jesus sessions will be cancelled during those 2 weeks. 

Children’s Day
All our primary students enjoyed a fun ‘Children’s Day’ celebration in school on Monday. Children watched an hilarious show by our favourite clown ‘Fransortes’. Lower Primary were delighted by the cards and letters they received from their parents, which were delivered by our very own mailman. Everyone involved in organising the day did a wonderful job.

International Fair
This year the International Fair will take place on Saturday 20th October. All students are expected to attend to support their classes and to enjoy the entertainment and the refreshments. This event is supporting our curriculum and giving students a chance to practise their entrepreneurial skills. Please help your child to sell all their raffle tickets. There is a prize for the class that sells the most. Please make sure all Upper Primary children have brought a filled jar for the tombola. Once again, thank you for your support.

McLay Fun Run
Pre-K to 4th grade students will participate in the McLay Fun Run on Friday 5th October, here at the ABC. I’m sure all students will try their best and make this a successful event again this year. As in previous years, all Primary students are asked to bring in a dollar, which will be used to buy sports equipment for a local school so we can spread the joy of participating in sport. 

Grade 5 participating in the McLay Fun Run!

Dates for your diary

Lower Primary
Friday 5th - Extracurricular activities - 1st session, ends
Saturday 6th - Kinder Curriculum Morning - 7:30am or 10:00am
Monday 8th - Extracurricular activities - 2nd session, starts
Friday 12th - Prepa Ware assembly - 7:30am - PAC
Saturday 13th - Prospective PK (2019) students Open Morning
Friday 19th - Prepa Pashley assembly - 7:30am - PAC
Saturday 20th - International Friendship Fair
Friday 26th - Prepa Kennedy assembly - 7:30am - PAC

Upper Primary
Friday 5th - Extracurricular Programme for Session 1, ends
Monday 8th - Extracurricular Programme for Session 2, starts
Wednesday 10th - 3rd Mena Assembly- 8:15am & 12:20 pm - PAC
Monday 15th - 3 Way Conferences start (until Fri 26th)
Wednesday 17th - 2nd Pineda Assembly- 8:15am & 12:20 pm - PAC
Friday 19th - No uniform day (2nd to 5th)
Saturday 20th - International Friendship Fair
Wednesday 24th - 4th Molina Assembly- 8:15am & 12:20 pm - PAC
Friday 26th - Last day of 3 Way Conferences
Friday 26th - Save the Children Colour Run

Words from the Head of Secondary

Dear parents and carers,

We are very much looking forward to our annual Colour Run and have sent a letter via email to all parents asking for their support. (see below)

The Colour Run is the culmination of the month of October when we celebrate our United Nations Day. It is a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness of how important it is for our children to be activists for children in providing a better world for all. Children with children, for children. It was also wonderful to see our Student Council and Prefect team celebrating Children’s day on Monday as they greeted everyone coming into school and then holding games for all to enjoy at lunchtime. Thank you Student Council and Prefect team!


Dear parents and carers,

The COLOUR RUN is an event organized by the 12th grade team of Prefects with the support of Save the Children, and its main objective is to support the education of children who have suffered from forced displacement. This is a race full of fun activities, food, and music. It will take place on Friday 26th October, and the kit to participate will cost $10.00 (it includes T-Shirt, bandana, hydrating beverage, powder painting, and more!). If you are interested in participating, please fill out the response slip provided below, and return it with the money inside an envelope by Tuesday 16th October.

We hope all the community joins in and supports this great race as part of the United Nations celebrations, and thereby contribute to “Think Globally and Act Locally”, and with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

Name/Nombre: _______________________________________
Grado/Year-Form: ________________
Talla/Size (Please circle/por favor circule): 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 S M L XL 
Specify quantity/Especifique cantidad:

Thank you/Gracias,


PAES exams
Our grade 12s are busy preparing for their PAES examinations next week. They will sit them on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th at a local school. They have all received the relevant information and MUST be at the school by 7.15am at the latest to register. They must also take with them their student ID card. We know they are now more than ready for them and wish them the very best of luck!

Theatre week
Next week we are welcoming two theatre companies as they bring their dramatic productions for all Secondary school students. Tuesday KS4 and IB students will attend “Superman, todas son mis hijas” and Friday KS3 students will watch “El día de ellas.” We are truly fortunate to have such wonderful activities for our students on our very own campus. More on this next week!

Learning Review Day- Grade 6
Grade 6 parents received information regarding our upcoming Learning Review Day on Tuesday 16th of October. Please can you confirm a time for your appointment and make the most of this opportunity to meet your child’s tutor and with your child, hear about how they have settled into Secondary! We look forward to seeing you all soon. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards,

Natalia Cáceres Escalón

Dates for your diary
Monday 8th - Theatre Festival Week
Wednesday 10th - Grade 10 Business option trip to Coca Cola Manufacturing Plant
Saturday 13th - Save the Children Grade 12 Empowerment Day (Prefect team with Save the Children) / PSAT G10 & G11 from 9am to 12m
Tuesday 16th - Grade 6 Learning Review Day - All day in the LRC 
Tuesday 16th - Grade 7 field trip to ‘Jardin Botanico’
Wednesday 17th to Sunday 21st - Grade 11 Geography IA Field Trip to Antigua, Guatemala
Monday 22nd - UN Week
Tuesday 23rd - Grade 10/12 Parent Teacher Evening - 4 pm - Auditorium
Tuesday 23rd to Sunday 28th - KS3 MUN Trip to Panama (TBC)
Friday 26th - Save the children Colour Run / Last Day of Term. Leaving time 2.00pm
Monday 29th to Friday 2nd November - Half term holidays

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